A bar and restaurant is looking to the future after it received a four star hygiene rating.

The Courthouse Restaurant & Bar in the town centre voluntarily closed for four weeks reopening mid-April after it received a zero food hygiene rating.

The owner said this was due to issues, including a pigeon infestation on the second floor which is not rented by the business and problems in the backyard.

But they have now been addressed and the popular town centre venue is launching a new menu and trialling a stock exchange drinking night,  where prices vary according to popularity.

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Owner Husky Faldu said: “It feels good to move on and not have this negativity hanging over us.

“It has been a big team effort so big props to all the staff, everybody has stepped up including staff and friends.

“We followed the guidelines of the environmental health officer at Bolton Council.”

Mr Faldu explained what the plans are for the future.

The Bolton News: Husky Faldu, left, and staff

He told The Bolton News: “Starting next Wednesday we have a new menu, it has things that we do not think Bolton has experienced before.

“We have Ssam wraps, a Korean dish and a Sushi and Sashim plate.

“We are also doing a stock market drinks night.

“This will start othis weekend.

“On this the drinks will move in price based on popularity.

“So if you are not fussy about your drinks you could have a cheap night.

“There is also guaranteed to be a stock market crash, where all the prices will follow, you could get twenty shots for £20 for you and your group.”

The drinks promotion will start today (Friday).