Drivers have been reported after police have been cracking down on speeding in the borough.

Police community support officers carried out a speeding operation in Whitefield on Monday between from 1.30pm to 8.30pm.

Officers clocked speeds on Radcliffe New Road at the junctions of South Avenue and Westbourne Avenue, and Bury Old Road at the junction of Devon Avenue.

Higher Lane at the junction of Fountain Place and Croft Lane near to the junction of Melton Drive were targeted as well as Manchester Road (A56) near to the junction of Selby Avenue.

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A Bury police spokesperson said: "Drivers have been reported for a range of driving offences, ranging from excess speed, contravening a red traffic light to seat belt offences (insecure child in passenger seat).

"The Whitefield neighbourhood team receive complaints from the community on a regular basis regarding excess speed.

"Despite this, we notice a significant reduction in speed during our spontaneous operations."

The spokesperson added: "It is an offence to alert other road users of our presence by flashing your headlights under Section 89 of the Police Act 1997.

"The maximum penalty for this offence is a £1000 fine.

"We will endeavour to target those committing these offences during our operations."